Clinical Quality Outcomes

As the largest medically-directed provider of anesthesia services in North Central Wisconsin, Central Wisconsin Anesthesiology, S.C. plays a leadership role in documenting clinical outcomes. As a member of the Anesthesia Quality Institute (AQI) of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), we submit our clinical outcomes data to the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry (NACOR) of the AQI. This ensures that we maintain the highest standards in the practice of anesthesiology.

We track and record reliable, evidence-based and measurable quality indicators, and use that information to improve clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction. The data also encourages continuous improvement at CWA by comparing our quality metrics against national benchmarks and other anesthesia practices of similar scope and size.

We currently collect and report on the following patient clinical outcomes data:

CMS (QID) Measures

#130 – Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record

#424 – Perioperative Temperature Management

#430 – Prevention of Post-Operative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) – Combination Therapy

#463 – Prevention of POV-combination Therapy (Pediatrics)

#477 – Multimodal Pain Management (previously AQI59)

AQI (Non-QID) Measures

AQI18 – Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): Prolonged Intubation-Inverse Measure

AQI48 – Patient-Reported Experience with Anesthesia

AQI49 – Adherence to Blood Conservation Guidelines for Cardiac Operations Using Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) – Composite

AQI69 – Avoidance of Cerebral Hyperthermia for Procedures Involving Cardiopulmonary Bypass

AQI71 – Ambulatory Glucose Management

AQI74 – Continuation of Methadone Therapy During the Perioperative Period for Surgical Patients

EPREOP31 – Intraoperative Hypotension among Non-Emergent Noncardiac Surgical Cases

ABG44 – Low Flow Inhalation General Anesthesia